Web Analytics

Web Analytics

Having a web shop, a blog or a website is one thing. Being able to process the data, which customers’ use of your website result is something completely else. By being able to use the data for your own good is extremely valuable, as you can reveal what areas of your website does the best.

The most used tool to analyze one’s website is the so-called “Google Analytics”. The tool can be very overwhelming and intimidating at first glance but it contains a vast array of possibilities, which help you gain an insight into how your readers interact with the website, which is invaluable in regards to marketing. At Jaskov Consult we’re experts in using Google Analytics and if you want us to we can help you bring you and your website up to speed so that you’re able to benefit from the many different tools that Google Analytics contains. By using this tool actively you can set targets, gain knowledge about your visitors (age, location, interaction), remarketing, keyword analysis and much more. The possibility to “track” your visitors is extremely valuable as this enables you to know more about what is great about your site – not using this functionality is comparable to trying to see in pitch black – which isn’t exactly good for executing marketing strategies.

The best part about using Google Analytics is that it is completely free to use. If you haven’t already looked at integrating your website with Analytics we strongly recommend that you get started as it is one of the most valuable tools when working with search engine optimization of your website. By being able to gain an insight into your visitors’ interaction you have a much easier time of tailoring the perfect AdWords campaigns and you also find out what kind of content or products your audience likes the best.

Like so much else in digital marketing, Google Analytics is adapted to the type of platform (website or app) your business is on. In other words, the Google Analytics tool offers different functionalities, depending on the platform. At Jaskov Consult we help you clarifying the different possibilities your company has while using the Analytics tool and we would also love to help with reporting of the most important statistics either weekly or monthly.

Contact us if you need help with your Google Analytics

As with any of our other services we offer a satisfaction guarantee to all our clients. If you want to get to know us a bit better before establishing contact you are more than welcome to visit our “About Us” page, where you can also see the team that are ready to help you with anything regarding online marketing.

We offer services such as setting up your Google Analytics accountGoogle Ads (AdWords) integration, setting up great targets, implementing Google Analytics tracking, support, reporting and much more. If you’re interested in receiving Google Analytics help please do not hesitate to contact us.

Why choose Jaskov Consult for SEO & Google Ads?

With Jaskov Consult ApS as your SEO and Google Ads partner, you are guaranteed:

High level of service.

Monthly reporting. Quick response times. We are friendly and smiling

Focus on quality.

We love to create great results. We have a high focus on quality

We are Data-driven.

We follow best-practice within conversion optimization and A/B testing

Danish SEO & Google Ads Agency.

We're experts with 10+ years of Danish SEO & Google Ads experience

Fixed price or hourly rate.

You don't risk getting automatically charged every month

Would you like us to help you? Contact us here or call us on 30111235 for a dialogue about your wishes and needs. We look forward to hearing from you!

Want to know more?

Thomas Jaskov

Senior SEO & Google Ads Specialist
+45 30111235