Free digital marketing courses for beginners

free digital marketing courses

Free digital marketing courses for beginners

Are you looking for free digital marketing courses?

Free digital marketing ebooks?

Free professional certifications, which you can add to your CV or Linkedin Profile?

If you can answer “yes” to all three questions, then you might be interested in my latest little (well actually not so little) hobby project, called eMarketing Institute. Check out the 10 free beginners level courses within Digital Marketing, Web Analytics, Search Engine Marketing (also known as Pay-Per-Click Marketing), SEO (short for Search Engine Optimization), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Online Marketing Fundamentals etc.?

You can find these 10 free courses (including free ebooks) here:

Free SEO Course and Certification
Free Search Engine Marketing Course and Certification
Free Social Media Marketing Course and Certification
Free Web Analytics Course and Certification
Free Online Marketing Fundamentals Course and Certification
Free E-Commerce Course and Certification
Free Affiliate Marketing Course and Certification
Free Blogging Course and Certification
Free Content Marketing Course and Certification
Free Email Marketing Course and Certification

I started the eMarketing Institute project in 2014. The website went live around March 2016. There are 10 free courses. All of them closely related to my own field of knowledge: Digital Marketing. With every free course there is a 150 pages free ebook. Getting certified is easy (but no too easy!). You need to read and understand the ebook, and you need to pass a 50 questions multiple choice exam and answer correct on at least 50% of the questions (i.e. you need 25 out of 50 correct answers, and there is a time limit of 1 hour).

Once you pass your online test, you can download your professional certification, and of course add a new certification title to your CV or Resume and/or Linkedin Profile.

You can watch this 1 minute video to learn more: Emarketing Institute Youtube Presentation video

Good luck :-)

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